BITCOIN 2.0 I request you that I had uploaded a blog even before this blog , you all read that blog so you do not have any difficulty in reading and understanding You must know that with the speed with which BITCOIN goes up, with the same speed it also gets dumped. Now it is currently at its all time high price, after that it may go up a little more and may go down a lot. With this, let us tell you that in 2017 and 2018, when its hype was created, then it had crossed 14 lakhs. Then the people of America saw that it is not taking the name of stopping and it is increasing 1000$, 1000$ every day that we also invest in it and people took loan and invested in it in very high percentage and after that BITCOIN got dumped and those people went into depression, so you should invest the same money in it which is your own. That too should be some present of your entire money and tell that in 2018 RBI had banned it. RBI had announced to banks not to transact with crypto...
Always read something:) Here you get to read very good content